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Welcome to the website of the 'Kaktus-Klub' journal editorial board. The journal appears quarterly and contains information for those who are keen on cacti and other succulent plants. Here you can subscribe to the journal, read previous volumes, purchase seeds, plants and books on the topic.
Kaktus-Klub ¹3-2002
All-Russian Conference devoted to 100-jubilee from birthday of Irena Zaletayeva
N. Schelkunova Cactus show in Moscow
Ò. Klevenskaja To memory of Irena Zaletayeva
A. Mikhaltsov Conference of Russian Cactus Clubs
D. Rogatskin Some notes about gymnocalyciums in the Anderson's book
V. Gapon N. Gapon Succulents in Abkhazia
V. Gapon Mutant of Mammillaria tetracantha v. kewensis
N. Schelkunova Illustrated Mini-Encyclopedia of Cacti & Succulents
V. Sidenko Sulcorebutia gerosenilis
I. Tchernodola Fockea edulis (Thunb) K. Schum
M. Li-Margraf The "Mountain Buffalo": largest succulent caudex plant
V.Gapon Macrograph
Define this plant!
D. Rogatskin Gymnocalycium mesopotamicum – ancestor or the descendant?
I. Vassilyeva XXVII IOS Congress in Desert Botanical Garden, Arizona
H. Mays International Succulent Introductions
I. Zhupan Unpublished book
S. Batov Question-answer
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