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Welcome to the website of the 'Kaktus-Klub' journal editorial board. The journal appears quarterly and contains information for those who are keen on cacti and other succulent plants. Here you can subscribe to the journal, read previous volumes, purchase seeds, plants and books on the topic.
Kaktus-Klub ¹1-2-2007
Russian collections: Evgeny Aksenov (Izhevsk)
Anatoly Mikhaltsov. Betalains in succulents
Evgeny Aksenov. Macrograph
Victor Gapon. Our calendar: 2008
Victor Gapon. Identify this plant: this isn't a gymnocalycium!
David Parker. Maihueniopsis subterranea
Victoria Andrejchuk. «Zaletaewana»-2007
Natalia Schelkunova. Illustrated Mini-Encyclopedia of Cacti & Succulents
Natalia Schelkunova, Victor Gapon. Flowering spiders
Igor Drab. Mexico-2003
Vladimir Shitikov. Belarus badges on succulent subjects Stanislav Uzunov
Vjacheslav Mukhachev. Once again about cacti spines - IV
Victor Gapon. Gymnocalycium nataliae in various catalogues
Konstantin Korotkov. Lithops from Karas mountain: a whole mountain of forms
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