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Welcome to the website of the 'Kaktus-Klub' journal editorial board. The journal appears quarterly and contains information for those who are keen on cacti and other succulent plants. Here you can subscribe to the journal, read previous volumes, purchase seeds, plants and books on the topic.
Kaktus-Klub ¹1-2-2008
Russian collections: Sergey Ivanov (Moscow)
Victor Gapon. How we looked for Gymnocalycium kroenleinii
Anatoly Mikhaltsov. A bit more on teratophytes
Petr Pavelka. Pachypodium baronii Constantin et Bois. versus Pachypodium windsorii Poiss
Natalia Schelkunova, Victor Gapon. Visit to Josef Odehnal
Natalia Schelkunova. Mini-encyclopaedia of popular cacti and other succulents
Pavel Hertus. Peru, over-the-clouds country of Inkas, tillandsias and cacti
Natalia Schelkunova. Sculptural miniatures
Yury Belyaev. Echinocactus grusonii forma inermis?
Larisa Zaitseva. Parodia KK826: what exactly did Karel Knize find?
Vladimir Boxer. Two more habitat places in East Siberia where Orostachys grows
Gordon Rowley. Senecio ficoides as a grafting stock
Konstantin Korotkov. On preservation of species: if not in the nature, then at least in culture
Volker Schadlich. Gymnocalycium chacoense
Gymnorus ¹23
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